What Does It Mean To Thrive?

There are over one million species of plants identified on our planet, each with their own unique blueprint. Organizations are no different. They are quite simply living systems made of people who leverage resources to get work done.

Each leader has their own unique blueprint, too. There’s no “one” way to lead. There’s no checklist. But effective leaders don’t happen by accident, either.

Organizations who care about creating a sustainable competitive edge understand they need to cultivate effective leaders--leaders who can thrive not only in today’s challenging business environment, but tomorrow’s too.

We invite you to explore how we can help you develop leaders who understand and leverage their unique combination of strengths, perspectives and styles. allowing them and their organizations to thrive in today’s competitive market.

Don’t just survive…thrive.

What Do Leaders Who Thrive Do? 

Act with Intention

Build Strong Networks

Communicate with Agility

Create Alignment

Inspire Performance

Speak with Confidence



The Coaching Habit

By Michael Bungay Stanier

Crucial Conversations

by Al Switzler, Joseph Grenny Kerry Patterson and Ron McMillian 

Growth Mindset

by Carol Dweck

The Fine Art of Small Talk

by Debra Fine

Taking the Work Out of Networking

By Karen Wickre


by Amy Cuddy

Adversaries into Allies

by Bob Burg

The Obstacle is the Way

by Ryan Holiday


“Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together.”

~ James Cash Penney

Peggy Jackson, Managing Principal, has consulted with corporations, public and private entities and individual clients since 2009, and is a speaker on topics impacting organizational and individual success. She has consulted with and coached leaders and professionals at all levels, from graduate students entering the workforce to senior and C-suite executives across industries as varied as banking and law to engineering and manufacturing.

Previously, she enjoyed a career in corporate human resources, including work in talent management, employee engagement, performance management, employee relations and recruitment. She holds a Master's degree in Human Resources (MHR), as well as certifications as a Senior Professional of Human Resources (SPHR), and a Senior Certified Professional through SHRM (SHRM-SCP) and is certified in EQ-I 2.0, DiSC & LIFO assessments.

Peggy partners with others within her circle of trusted consultants as needed for engagements depending on project size and other requirements. You may find more about her background on LinkedIn. She opines infrequently on her blog, The Career Muse and on Twitter @thecareermuse .



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